Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Love Language"

($50.00.....6" x 6".....Water Soluble Oils on Gessobord)

"Flowers have their own love language." No card required with the gift of flowers. The presentation of their beauty says it all.

Presenting a gift created with your own hands is generally received with tremendous gratitude. This is especially true if the gift is given to an artist who understands the time and effort involved. I once had a chat with C.D. Weaver (artist in residence at the Presbyterian Seminary) who shared a very moving story involving a homeless shelter. He was telling me how drab the place was with nothing on the walls so he decided to donate a forged steel piece he had created. The people who lived there were changed by the presence of art and something so beautiful on a drab wall. 

This should inspire all of us who create art to simply give away some of our work to people and places that could never acquire it on their own. Beauty was meant to be shared and it really does feed the soul. It is a fact that no generation has ever survived without art, but many generations have survived without technology. I think it's time to readjust our values and do or create things that actually feed the soul before we all lose our ability to feel.

Those are my thoughts for this Valentine's Day. Enjoy the day and be creative! And there you have it...just a few more things to think about. 

Please contact me personally to inquire about this piece.

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