Monday, April 30, 2012

"Broken Patterns"

($40.00....6" x 6"....mounted on a 1/8" depth clayboard panel)

"Broken patterns in design or life are often the most interesting." The reason people gravitate visually to the erratic line or things that show only a fragment of something is that it is more interesting. We are so accustomed to seeing images centered, patterns perfectly repeated, that we stop and take notice when it is not that way. Just think about it.

My interest in white, black, grays, and silver are still operative. In fact, I wanted to push the envelope and see if it is really true that by sticking to this palette, it would be possible to combine more elements and not be as chaotic as it would be if I included color. I do think it works.

So if you want to combine different patterns, I encourage you to stick to a black, white, and gray palette and see what happens. I think it would probably work with any other color in its various shades and tints, but it is much more pronounced in black and white because the contrast is as strong as you can get on the gray scale.

In this piece, I did begin with a lightly textured background of white gesso. I then used a brayer to apply black Speedball Printing Ink. The silver leaf came next and then the surface was secured with Spray Acrylic Coating. A dilute solution of Gel Matte Medium was used to prepare the surface to receive stamping. I used a commercial stamp, but only inked a fragment of the stamp. The surface then needed to be secured and prepared to receive lettering. I wrote the quote in two places because it was so hidden in the texture, it is difficult to read. So there you have it, my foray into black, white, gray, and silver with a few more things to think about.

Please contact me personally to inquire about this piece.

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