Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The Right Word"

($40.00......6" x 6".....mounted on a 1/8" depth clayboard panel)

"The right word at the right time helps everyone have a beautiful day." Saying something that lifts another person's spirit is a wonderful feeling for you and for them. I want to do more of that and I hope you do as well.

For those of you who have been captivated by pouring medium techniques, I have new things to share today. Quite by accident, I picked up Black Fluid Acrylic (with no pouring medium) instead of the bottle that was already mixed with pouring medium. You can see what happened in this piece. All of the other colors have a generous amount of pouring medium, but the black has a very hard edge and breaks away from the other colors in places to create a crackling effect.

So now that you know that, you can deliberately drop Fluid Acrylic right out of the bottle into the moving colors of pouring medium and the color will not mingle quite so freely and you will have a hard edge that may be desirable. It will also be possible to transfer some Fluid Acrylic to a smaller bottle with a smaller tip and create more intricate designs.

One of the other inspiring techniques in this piece is the stamped image underneath the red violet color on the right hand edge. So placing gestural writing or stamped imagery on the paper first yields another whole dimension to this process.

Also take note that I have combined more intense colors with diluted and "grayed down" colors. There are actually two sets of complements in this piece... orange and violet and lime green. The amount of space that each color occupies is also very important. And there you have it...a few more things to think about.

Please contact me personally to inquire about this piece.

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