Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Texas Fashion" (unavailable)

( the permanent collection of dee day)

There's nothing quite like the combination of burnt sienna and cowhide to inspire thoughts of Texas as well as the entire Southwest. With five cowhides on the floor in my own house, I have the privilege of being inspired everyday. And...I am very proud to be a Texan!

The wonderful texture in the first layer of this piece was created with paste (flour and water) plus acrylic paint. I did some brush lettering in the wet paste...sprayed lightly with water and hung to dry. That action created the white shape on the left.

When it is unclear to you how to divide your space...try looking at the first layer of your background and see what lines and shapes are already there. Basically, in this piece I created a mirror image of the white shape when I created the cowhide shape. Rather than placing the lettering in the middle, I chose existing edges and "sandwiched" it in to create another shape. That allowed the brush lettering texture in the middle to stand out and be seen. Try your own ways of creating texture and shapes. It's very exciting!

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