Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Paradigm Shift" (sold)


"Prayer creates a paradigm shift called thanksgiving." This quote is a springboard off of my favorite author on prayer....E. M. Bounds. I have also included his quote underneath mine. With thanksgiving just around the corner, it is good to ponder these things.

To my script students, this is an example of Copperplate and Spencerian used together to differentiate the two quotes. They are quite different alphabets but they are also very complementary to each other. I have often suggested to those of you who address envelopes that you might be well served to use Copperplate for the name and switch to Spencerian for the address. It would be much faster for you.

Writing on this surface presented a few challenges because it is very dense acrylic paint plus medium. And even though I prepared the paper with several coats of dilute gel matte medium (2 parts water to 1 part medium) it still posed a few problems. I think it was the paper, but I also think it is best to prepare the paper the night before and let the gel matte medium dry overnight. Even with a hair dryer, it doesn't get "bone dry" if it doesn't dry overnight. So I was pulling my hair out trying to get a thin hairline, but that's what I get for waiting till this morning to do the lettering. Just a few things to try or think about.

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