Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Cowhide and Leather" (unavailable)

"Cowhide and leather are happy companions." Sometimes my thoughts can be so serious, I scare myself!  When I've reached my limit on that path, painting cowhide makes everything better. It has a comforting presence and adds drama to everything. (This is a 4" x 6" piece to be given away this next Friday

What prompted the pairing of this quote to this background was the burnt sienna color block at the top. After randomly writing words and lines on a large parent sheet, I applied gesso...also in an erratic way. I "kicked it up a notch" by mixing Transparent Burnt Sienna with Pouring Medium (Liquitex in both cases) to achieve that "splotchy" effect that is so characteristic of worn leather. Other shapes help create a contrast of shape and size. By not painting over the entire shape of diluted Burnt Sienna where the cowhide is, I was able to create two additional shapes.

My hope is that my "die hard" followers who want all the details will begin to see how exciting it is to use color blocks, gesso, and pouring medium to create many interesting shapes. You then have the choice to simply leave as is or add a painted image, collage bits, or only lettering. These type of pieces pair up well with lettering because they're both abstract. Adding a touch of painted realism will also give you a strong contrast between abstraction and realism...which I have done often for this blog. Just something to think about and if you feel adventurous, you can try it for yourself.

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