Friday, September 2, 2011

"Lines and Spaces" (unavailable)


"Lines and spaces are good for writing and for music notes." This quote is self explanatory. I was just in the mood to do something with music and Bach Preludes and Fugues were required practice every semester while I was in college.  J.S. Bach ended up becoming my favorite composer.

In a Bach Fugue, counterpoint is the structure. Three or more different melodic lines are having a conversation back and forth. This piece includes the first line and one voice beginning the conversation. Eventually there are two more lines saying different things but all being played at the same time.

In this piece, there are two separate "voices" or patterns of space division taking place. There is the black writing, the black lines, and the line of music dividing the space horizontally from edge to edge. The other shapes are created with the gesso and they are in counterpoint to the horizontal lines.

Before your head spins off from that analysis, let me say that contrast is the name of the game and this is simply another way of dividing space. Explanations give feet to the process. It is my belief that any of us will be dependent on "accicdentally" creating unless we have an understanding of what makes a piece successful. Putting it down in writing will serve you well. It's not that each piece needs to be done the same. The issue is choosing techniques that lead into a spontaneous and successful direction.  Just something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Dee! Music notes are a favorite element of mine! :) Have a blessed weekend!
