Friday, February 18, 2011

"Habits and Patterns" (unavailable)


It is fairly easy to do anything for one day, but to do something long enough to make it a habit requires at least twenty-one days...or so they say. Something interesting happens when we commit to doing anything more than once or twice. A beautiful pattern is created!

I hope you are noticing how many different ways a square can be divided into positive and negative space. In this piece, you can clearly see where your eye wants to go immediately. Any part of the design space where there is a lot of detail and more color compared to other areas is going to be an "eye stopper". In this case it is the patterned area with (6) different colors involved. It would not have been as effective if the pattern had been over the entire design. (....or as interesting) Wherever there is extreme detail automatically becomes a center of interest.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one, too! Thanks for the continual education you are always providing. Love, Trish
