Sunday, February 27, 2011

"A New Leaf" (unavailable)


After taking and teaching many classes, I have observed that everyone in the class is excited on the first day. The prospect of learning new things gives everyone hope until.....they discover that the very thing they want to learn will cost them hours of practice well after the class is over. What was an exciting first day gets "side swiped" by reality. The hope does return, however, when the challenge is embraced.

The stage is set for the ultimate value contrast when using black and white. That's why black lettering on white paper is such a classic and so well received. However, if you really want to make a piece even more interesting, color must be introduced. It is the most expressive of all the design elements. In this piece, the colors used are the most powerful complementaries on the color wheel. That in itself is a strong contrast, but the dilution and softness of the paint application yields another contrast against the solid black. You might want to try a soft and diluted application of gouache. Not only will you need to dilute the gouache (opaque watercolor) considerably with water, but it will need to be applied to damp paper. You will only need to dampen the immediate area where you are painting. This creates the very soft edges such as the ones you see here.

Please visit my ebay listing to bid on original art from Dee Day Art Journal Painting a Day.
Dee Day ebay

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