Friday, October 28, 2011

"A Clearer View" ($60.00)

(adjusted price....$60..00....mounted on a 1.50" depth clayboard)

"The arts offer a clearer view of the human soul." The passion and excellence seen or heard when experiencing the arts is phenomenal! It has the power to cross cultural and language barriers like nothing else can. Perhaps you will have an opportunity to plan such an experience about this weekend?

This is my first venture in adding collage to my process since starting my blog. The reason I haven't is because it is a very "risky" medium. It can go wrong very quickly. But yesterday I threw caution to the wind and decided to give it a try. (Actually, it was out of necessity since I was traveling, and could not paint in the car!)

The first layer of this piece was gesso and acrylic paint with a few erratic lines and expressive writing. By using the shapes and lines that were already present, I tore up some segments of a magazine. I do think it works, if the colors and concept have a common denominator. By sticking to the theme of going to the theater, and repeating several colors already present in the background, it works. There is a clear center of interest and definite division of space.  There are also some areas that have very little going on which gives the viewer's eye a rest.

It is a fun process because the collage elements can be moved around endlessly until you're satisfied with the arrangement. (A cameral can help so you can document all of your arrangements. Seeing the different arrangements on camera makes it much easier to compare and contrast before deciding.) Just something to try or think about.

Please contact me personally to inquire about this piece.

1 comment:

  1. I love your collage! I especially appreciate your color sense and excellent spacial relationships (the way you leave the large areas to draw the eye to your focal point). Great job! My kind of collage! ~s
