Sunday, October 2, 2011

"First Things First" ($400.00)

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." (NLT) This piece was created for "The Open Doors Gallery" at Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, Texas. This outstanding verse from scripture truly is a priority setter. When confusion settles in and wraps its tentacles around us, this one verse sets everything in proper perspective again. The glass is mostly transparent so the text can be read and the light can bounce around and create light patterns over the piece beneath.

This piece was created with  MDF board and a fused glass overlay. (The glass sits 1/2" off of the surface.) The board was primed with (4) coats of gesso and lightly sanded in between. Acrylic paint was applied, followed by gold leaf and then lettering. Surface preparation to write on gold is the same as writing on acrylic. You can also try brushing pumice over the surface. (Click onto surface preparation at the bottom to pull up previous postings with those instructions.)

The glass is a three layer collage. The bands of black on each end were painted and stamped with Glassline Paint with gold mica powder sandwiched between two of the layers. "First things first" was written with a ruling pen and tracing black powder plus clove oil. The secret to fusing lettering on glass is to fully fuse the three layers at a high temp...then do the lettering and fire it again without going over 1250 degrees. This will retain the hairlines.

Just something to see and think about.

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