Sunday, December 2, 2012


($40.00....6" x 6"....Water Soluble Oils on Gessobord)

"The landscape is a study in gesture." Our creator is the ultimate in making gestural marks. You can see it every time you look outside. This is especially true in an untouched landscape where things are growing wild. Amazing!

In this piece, I did make some progress with my greens. They can be very difficult, but Pthalo Blue (Red Shade) is the secret to getting not only the dark rich greens, but the brighter ones as well. This piece took me two and a half hours to paint because there are a multitude of colors to mix and lay down.

However, I am now feeling as though too many dabs of paint without being smudged can become monotonous, so I took my palette knife and slightly blended in many areas (but not all) to create a more varied texture. It also gives the eye a break from too much broken color. 

I also tried to make sure there were different shapes and sizes of color blocks and enough diagonals to keep the viewer's interest. It is a challenge, but ever so much fun. 

The quote is inscribed into the paint vertically on the right hand side which adds another element of texture and interest. And there you have it...just a few more things to think about. 

Please contact me personally to inquire about this piece.

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