Thursday, December 15, 2011

"The Fir Tree" (unavailable)


"The fir tree poses like a living statue and throws its fragrance into the air." This is one of those poetic quotes that is designed to stir up special memories of Christmas trees in the home or the undecorated ones still in their original setting. Have fun thinking about and enjoying the trees in or out of the house.

Today is my 280th posting and it causes me to stop and think more deeply about process and how artwork gets created. I have noticed that most people, including myself, get to a certain level of proficiency and then tend to coast. The artists that truly excel are the ones who keep pushing through to the next level, continuing to notice the little "nuances" that will make their work better.

After blogging day after day, I will admit that there are days when weariness sets in and surrounds me like a fog. But because I'm a determined "little 'cuss", I have ploughed through the fatigue and much to my amazement, it is that process of moving forward in spite of obstacles that causes me to dig deeper. So I guess my point never give up and keep honing your observation skills, keep practicing, keep taking classes, and eventually it all comes together in a way that is satisfying to you and others. Just some words of encouragement to think about.

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