Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Merry Christmas"

( the permanent collection of dee day)

"We wish you a Merry Christmas from our tree to yours." This special greeting is our Christmas card this year. Enjoy the celebration of the birth of Christ and all of the special events that make this time of the year so special!

Christmas trees are so unique and different from one home to another. I wanted to share the specific characteristics of our tree with all of you by choosing this close-up shot of one of our Texas Capital Ornaments. There are at least a dozen more unique Capital Ornaments on the tree.  (available from the Texas Capital Gift Store.)  There are also lots of gold stars on our tree with cascading streamers descending from the bow at the top. It would be fun to have an entire album of different trees from family and friends. (That could be a project for next year.)

This image of course began with a photograph. I am here to tell you that much more had to be done to make it what it is. The tree branches washed out a bit after the Pouring Medium was applied, so I solved that problem by using (3) different shades of soft pastels applied with a brush. The Capital Ornament also was too indistinct so I printed another copy and cut out the emblem and made it an element of collage. This is why it is important to have many techniques on hand. You just never know when you might need pastels, collage, etc.,  to bring a piece to life.

Of course, the Script Lettering and Flourishing is where I chose to spend most of my efforts. And that has been my focus this entire month. You will see a bit more and then I will shift gears in January with expressive drawing, collage, and expressive writing (hopefully). Enjoy your own celebration and truly have the merriest of Christmases!


  1. Lovely. Have a blessed Christmas remembering the birth of our Savior.

    Marilyn Dixon

  2. Beautiful! I absolutely love what you're doing with photographs, Dee! I SO want to learn these techniques! I hope you'll offer a workshop sometime. :)

    Merry Christmas!!
