Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Don't Quit!"

($40.00....6" x 6"....mounted on a 1/8" depth clayboard panel)

"The only way you can fail is to quit." Quitting is a cowardly way of living and stops all progress in life. The successful people are those who have their head in the game and their eye on the ball.

The only problem with edge to edge color, especially if it appears to be in motion, is that the eye is overwhelmed and doesn't know where to look first. All of that changes if you can add an image or text that becomes the focal point. Since lettering tends to be very graphic, it is a perfect juxtaposition to the moving color. If selecting an image rather than lettering, it works well to use transparent tissue paper so the image is fully integrated. Transparency is the most effective way to arrive at integration. Seeing some part of the previous layer is absolutely key.

The reason most collage pieces don't work so well is that there is not integration to the previous layer. Color is also a good integrator. Echoes of design elements already present in the piece is another good integrator. It is always a teachable moment to view how other artists integrate elements of design. You will also notice what doesn't work which is also a good way to learn. Integration is a key component of layering so think about it and keep your eyes in observation mode to see how it's done.

Please contact me personally in inquire about this piece.

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